Dessert House, a quite new place for hi-tea and dessert at Bintulu. This place offers variety types of dessert but not every food are available on everyday. Lets me share to you guys the food that I had tasted before.
ABC Special |
ABC also known as mixed ice is the Malaysian Dessert, consists of the blended ice, added with cendol, sago, red bean, sweet corn, cincau and dressed with evaporated milk and Nipah palm sugar (gula apong) from Sarawak. The latter one stand special with the additional ice-cream. The ice is really soft and the taste and fragrance of gula apong really goes well with it and it's the reason for me to crave for it.
Bubur Cha Cha |
Bubur Cha Cha is the another Malaysian Dessert that consists of yam, sweet potato and sago that cooked in coconut milk. The yam and sweet potato are well-cooked with the soft texture. Besides that, the coconut milk broth was really nice no matter from the taste or the smell.
Special Mango Ice 杨枝甘露 |
For me, Special Mango Ice is really special, I never see this thing before in Bintulu. It consists of mango ice blended with milk and topped with pamelo pieces, ice cream and sago. The ice tasted creamy and very rich. The combination of mango and pamelo was really new for me and it taste great.
Taro and Sweet Potatoes Ball Ice |
This is a famous Taiwanese dessert. The blended ice was made from cincau broth and it was topped with taro ball, sweet potatoes ball, red bean ,cincau and dressed with milk. But honestly, I prefer Snowflakes rather than this.
Durian Pancake |
The durian pancake tasted really nice, the well-panned pancake rolled with the rich durian filling. I really can't forget the rich durian taste.
Cheese Baked Potato |
Sliced potatoes baked with cheese and some spices. The cheese is really creamy and I like the taste of the aromatic spices.
Cheese Tart |
The thickness of the tart is well-handled and taste really nice with the cheese filling.
Nasi Lemak |
Nasi Lemak, another well-known Malaysian Food. The aromatic coconut milk cooked rice plated with fried chicken, hard-boiled egg, cucumber, fried peanut, fried anchovy and the most important sambal. Sambal is the sauce for this dishes contain shallots, chillies, sugar....The sambal taste good and not very spicy.